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 Naija-Books  are now available online in Nigeria through our new distribution agreement with Roving Heights based in Lagos and Abuja. 

Roving Heights is an online book distribution company founded by Tobi Eyinade and they provide books to its customers all over Nigeria. It has an online bookstore for book lovers to easily browse and buy affordable books to read.


The titles below represent the first batch of fiction and non-fiction books released for direct sales into the Nigerian market with many more to come



 Cut Off   The barbaric and dangerous practice of female genital mutilation (FGM) in childhood or early womanhood is the scourge of the women of many African and Middle Eastern countries, because of an ancient, misguided belief that cutting away the clitoral area increases fertility, eases childbirth and reduces promiscuity. This book combines a harrowing true account of one woman’s near-fatal experience of FGM in Nigeria with information designed to provide enlightenment on this abhorrent practice and why it should be stamped out in all the countries of the world where it is still practised. Published with the support and backing of key and influential women from several countries and Planned Parenthood in the US.






 The Legend of Buratai  is the enthralling true life story in his own words of General Tukur Yusuf Buratai, the Chief of Staff of the Nigerian Army, who rose to legendary status by dint of hard work, bravery, diligence, excellence and honesty. His journey through life is presented as an exemplary story for all who would aspire to follow his path.  BUY HERE  




 Elections in Nigeria   Africa’s biggest democracy was at a critical juncture as the country headed to the polls in 2019. One of the world’s biggest experiments in democracy took place in Nigeria on 16 February 2019. More than 80 million voters headed to the polls to choose the next president. As a federation, Nigeria has 36 states and more than 200 different ethnic groups, making elections often fraught with tension. Professor Shehu’s book aims to appraise the practice and progress of democracy in Nigeria and highlight some key issues that have driven electoral choices in the past. As he puts it, “In Nigeria, experience has shown that whereas every politician seeking election claims to do so to serve the country, in reality, most seek public office to serve their selfish interests rather than the national interest. Conducting an election is a routine activity, but conducting one with integrity is a function of true democracy”. BUY HERE 



  Born to Live, Not to Die    This is the true story of a professor who, in the face of appalling adversity, saved over one million new-born babies dying unnecessarily in under-equipped hospitals by developing low-cost intervention techniques for newborn care. He spent over 20 years travelling through war zones and areas of conflict to save countless tiny lives, fighting a continuous war with corrupt hospital managers and their office staff who had been mismanaging funds to line their own pockets - and now did everything they could to obstruct his mission, because he would not let them have their way. BUY HERE 



  The Borrowed Life of Morilewa     In fertile Ijowa, Nigeria, land is the only source of livelihood and those without it starve or are driven into slavery. Prince Adeyanju, the Aremo-Oba (crown prince) of Ijowaland, suffers a riding injury which threatens his ability to father an heir. The high priest, Fatunbi, explains that the only way to restore his manhood is a ritual involving a secret affair, and selects a beautiful young widow called Lalonpe. To keep his royal identity secret, Adeyanju is told to introduce himself to her as a trader called Morilewa. When war breaks out between Ijowaland and neighbouring Aketeland, Adeyanju accidentally leaves behind a priceless treasure, and only Lalonpe’s young son Ojo knows the secret. Then Fatunbi is murdered in Adeyanju’s presence, and a manhunt begins for the two-faced person called Morilewa. BUY HERE



  Confidence in Diplomacy   Abdul Rimdap was the only one of 20 brothers and sisters to go to school, and it would never have happened if he had not eavesdropped on a class at his village school and put his hand up outside the window to answer a question which had defeated the pupils. He went on to college and excelled sufficiently to be accepted by the Nigerian Foreign Service. There followed a distinguished international career during which he played leading ambassadorial roles for Nigeria in Ethiopia, Zambia, Pakistan, Belgium, Switzerland, Austria and Germany. He retired from his final post, as Ambassador to Germany, in 2010. BUY HERE 



 An Islamic Renascence  The Middle East and Africa today is in turmoil. The hijacking of the Arab Spring has wrought havoc in both Libya, Syria and most of North Africa and brought back to power authoritarian rule in Egypt. Even in Nigeria with it’s important nuances in multiple ongoing conflicts, Radical Islam still presents it’s own problems. Europe has witnessed the largest movement of people since the Second World War, all seeking to escape the military onslaught in Syria and other parts of the Middle East. Peace prospects between Palestinians and the State of Israel remain as elusive as ever.


The author believes that an ‘Islamic Renascence’ is now critical to prevent the Muslim Ummah from imploding upon itself. Consequently, a ‘counter-narrative’ to so-called ‘radical Islam’ has become all the more crucial. To keep pace with the global economic, political and military challenges of the future, the Muslim Ummah needs to refocus its strategy on establishing an effective and credible economic and political alliance that will firmly be embedded in democratic principles and processes.


The author, who is a British-born Muslim with a Master’s Degree in International Commercial Law, has made a rational study of these issues in this book.  BUY HERE 


Are you interested in publishing your book? 

Contact us here with your details:

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